What is radio controlled yachting?
Birmingham Model Yacht Club welcomes new members. You will find all the help and advice you need, whatever your experience: existing radio sailors, those with experience of other radio controlled models, sailors or even those with absolutely no knowledge, who simply like to give it a try!
Assuming you know nothing about radio controlled yachting here is a short description of this absorbing and enjoyable pastime. Radio controlled yachts can be as small as just one foot in length and go up to one metre and over. Designs vary from ‘one design models’, built from standard kits, such as DragonForce 65, or models built in various designs to comply with a particular class’ rules, such as the International One Metre class. Yachts are controlled generally by just two levers on the radio transmitter. One steers the boat through a rudder control. Another lever adjusts the sails, pulling them in or letting them out. Besides the radio controls, the sails can also be trimmed and finely adjusted onshore. Getting the correct sail setting and adjusting this for varying wind conditions is an important and fascinating part of the sport. Radio controlled model yacht races are run according to international sailing racing rules, just as those that apply in full sized yacht and sailing dinghy races. Like other model yachting clubs, Birmingham Model Yacht Club run races on a class basis, racing only similar yachts against each other. This means that generally there is at least one race each month for each of the most popular classes sailed at the Club. We sail on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, running 6 to 8 races each afternoon. Each race lasts about 10 to 20 minutes and there is a sociable mid way break for tea, coffee and biscuits! |
For those who already have a model we regularly race the following classes: International One Meter, Dragon Flight 95, Dragon Force 65, RG65, Micro Magic and Footy’s. Members are, however, also welcome to sail other designs e.g. A Class, Victoria's, Lasers etc.
For those without a boat, radio controlled model yachts can be bought from as little as a few hundred pounds for a used boats and up to thousands of pounds for brand new top class racing models! Currently a good beginners boat, like a brand new one design DragonFlite 95, can be bought, complete with radio transmitter, for under £400. Before you buy you are welcome to visit the Club where there’s sure to be the opportunity to trial a boat. Hopefully this brief description has answered a few questions and whetted your appetite to visit us. |