Race Officers are essential to a good day's racing. If you are unable to do your Race Officer duty it is your responsibility to swap your date with another officer.
You can use the BMYC WhatsApp Group to find a willing person to swap with.
Race Officers are essential to a good day's racing. If you are unable to do your Race Officer duty it is your responsibility to swap your date with another officer.
You can use the BMYC WhatsApp Group to find a willing person to swap with.
2023 Trophy Presentations
5th December 2023
5th December 2023
Commodore's Report 2022You will recall that last AGM I was appointed to this post, having been a member for only a few months and had absolutely no sailing experience.
• My report therefor reflects my own limitations. • What has been achieved is down to the committee. • In order to understand what is required of this report I consulted with Alan Skitt. We have had 2 major incidents in the year. • Firstly Graham Tite. Simple but devastating accident. Pleased to see him here today. • Secondly Robin Webb. Passed away recently. He was a great mentor to me, I miss him. 1 minute reflection. We have had 1 great innovation this year. Graham’s tug boat and new buoys. • This has simplified course set up and retrieval. . • It is my wish that we could adopt “Custom and practice” that ensures, at the end of the last race every one stays pool side and recovers the buoys and the tug boat, then places them back in store. This would only take a few minutes, as opposed 10-15 minutes if left to the faithful few. Change. We have had 5 incidents this year, that have influenced behavioural practices. 1. Graham Tite’s accident. The review of Health & Safety, found that we should not use the Slip Way to launch or recover boats. This has yet to be formally added to the rules. 2. Tom Duggins experienced unfair treatment when he obtained approval for fiddle time. Only to return to find that the heat had started without him. Although there was a resulting “Blame Game”, the fundamental cause was a lack of clarity about fiddle time. The outcome is that Fiddle Time is a max of 5 mins. Starting from the time the last competitor finishes a heat. As there are discard heats, a competitor who wants a longer Fiddle Time must take a discard. This has yet to be formally added to the rules. 3. Ian Ash has reacted to being regarded as the “Tea Maker” he feels his good will has been abused and taken for granted. Previously Robin had been a regular Tea Maker. It is my wish that before racing commences someone ensures the urn is switched on, cups and biscuits etc are out. The winner of the last heat before tea – makes the tea. We need to agree a process that ensures that set up, wash up and milk supply works and involves everyone taking their share. 4. John Burgoine introduced the programming of Race Officer for each event. This has generally worked well and saved a lot of confusion. The only weakness was the inclusion of defunct members. 5. The committee has agreed that the rules in appendix E , regarding not giving or receiving advice whilst racing, can be interpreted as “Coaching in club only events can take place”. Thus enabling people like myself to develop skills. This has yet to be formally added to the rules. We have 1 action point from last year not addressed. We need to address it by involving everyone as it affects everyone. • Alan Skitt stated last year that “Our biggest challenge is to increase the number of members who are willing to become involved in running of the club” etc. Read out full Text from last year’s minutes. • My observations show that although most tasks are still undertaken by a few. Most members appear to get involved at some time. Too many look after their own interests before offering to help – by which time it is too late. • My opinion is that root cause is that we all turn up and expect everything to happen – and it usually does. John's introduction of rostering the “Race Officer” has gone a long way towards improving organisation. It has been readily accepted by members, this implies that some form of organisational change to distributing tasks may be accepted. • What we need is an operations plan or system, which ensures that all required tasks are undertaken and that those tasks are shared fairly between all present on the day. • I don’t know the answer but welcome suggestions. Action Points: • Update rules page on web site • Agree plan to deal with Tea making and wash up. • Agree plan to organise tasks fairly. |
Minutes of the 2022
2022 Trophy Presentations
7th November 2022
Winter 2020 Series Winners
Trophies awarded by Commodore Alan Skitt at the 2018 AGM
90 Years Celebration Pictures
AGM 2019 Trophy Presentations
Graham Tite suggests you have a look at this.