Constitution The club shall be known as "The Birmingham Model Yacht Club" and shall be affiliated to the M.Y.A. 1 The aims of the club shall be to promote the interest of members in the design, building and racing of model sailing yachts that conform to the M.Y.A. classes the club shall adopt. 2 Any person, whether or not the owner of a model yacht who is interested in sailing, is eligible for membership. They shall complete an application form which shall be submitted to the Secretary for consideration by the committee. Honorary membership may be awarded at the discretion of the committee to those who have made a significant contribution to the club. In addition to the normal rights and privileges of membership their membership fees will be paid by the club. 3 Every member of the Club undertakes to comply with the Club rules and any refusal or neglect to do so or any conduct which in the opinion of the Committee is injurious to the interests of the Club shall render a member liable to expulsion. 4 Members of another clubs, invited to BMYC for the purpose of organised competition, or to take part in training, may be admitted to the Club. Such persons shall be temporary members of the Club and shall have use of the facilities of the Club during their period of stay. 5 The Commodore in consultation with the Committee has overall responsibility for the safe operation of the Club. 6 Every member is responsible for their own safety and their authorised visitors. 7 The Race Officer is responsible to the Committee for the safe operation of the Club and all on water activities whilst they are on duty. The Race Officer is also responsible for recording of the results and passing them to the Racing Secretary. 8 A general meeting of members shall be held once each year at which all officers and auditors will be appointed for the following year. a. The officers of the club will consist of: President/Secretary, Commodore, Treasurer/Membership Secretary and Racing Secretary b. The management of the club will be carried out by a committee that shall consist of: President/Secretary Commodore (Chairman), Treasurer/Membership Secretary, Bosun Racing Secretary, Web site editor, Facebook editor, Rota Secretary. c. A quorum for a committee meeting will be: Commodore, Secretary, and three other members of the committee. 10 An extraordinary general meeting may be held with fourteen days’ notice at any time at the discretion the committee. Additionally, should ONE THIRD of paid up members request an EGM in writing or email; fourteen days’ notice of time, date and venue, shall be sent to all members 11 Subscriptions shall be paid annually to the Treasurer/Membership Secretary on 1st January each year. In the event of subscription not being paid before the 15th March in any year, the members concerned shall be notified in writing by secretary to that effect and their right to attend meetings or to take part in club events shall be forfeit until such time as subscription is paid. 12 a. Racing will be conducted in accordance with the RRS and the current sailing programme b. Racing yachts shall have valid rating certificates, however, dispensation may be granted by the committee in special circumstances and where no performance enhancement is apparent 13 The club shall adopt or discontinue any of the classes currently being raced subject to a 2/3 majority vote of fully paid up members present at an A.G.M. n the event of a withdrawal of a class, one year’s notice shall be given to all members. 14 In the event of the club being dissolved the assets of the club are to be lodged with Two Trustees who will be the Secretary and Treasurer of the club to be held in trust in the hope that the club would reform. If after SIX YEARS the club does not reform then the assets of the club shall be disposed of within the "MIDLAND DISTRICT CLUBS". 15 The club may elect annually, two members to represent the club at MIDLAND DISTRICT COMMITTEE meetings. b. The club may elect annually, two members to represent the club at M.Y.A. general meeting 16 Visitors shall normally be allowed to sail at the club on a maximum number of three occasions after which time they will be required to pay a membership fee or further visits may take place at a fee of £5 each visit. 17 The constitution shall only be altered at an Annual General Meeting or an EGM by majority of members present. 5th December 2019 |
Club Rules
Race day Proceedures1 Attendees on the day
Race Officer: (In the event of a no-show RO, ALL present agree how to best share the RO roles.}
The “Start-up Team”
We sail using the RYA rules with appendix E
The “Race Officer”
When the first person finishes the last race before Tea Break
All Sailors.
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